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What Are Your Must Christmas ‘Must Haves’? Shurwayne Doesn’t Do Christmas Without These 5 Things.

Dec 5, 2021 | 0 comments

The Christmas season’s here. In Trinidad and Tobago, it’s always a very different experience as compared to any other part of the world. Tradition takes centre stage every time, and while many would agree that times have changed, in some communities on the island, Christmas traditions remain alive.

From the pastelle-making to the house painting and shopping for brand new curtains, and even kitchen appliances, the age old custom of bringing in the New Year with a new look and much festivity, is, to some, undeniable. They cannot bring themselves to forfeit it.

Soca artist, Shurwayne Winchester says he’s always filled with nostalgia at Christmas, highlighting a special Christmas dining place setting that comes out annually, and only at this time of year. “Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas at our house if that set didn’t come out. It shines and holds the history of Christmases before-  good ones and not so good ones, but nothing completes our home feeling like that does. It even brings memories of lost ones, to life.” he said.

Shurwayne’s one of Trinidad and Tobago’s ‘A Class’ entertainers. He’s delivered countless soca hits and has even contributed in recent years, to the Soca parang enjoyment.

The entertainer now lives in Arima, Trinidad but he was born in Tobago. His family still lives in Tobago and he told us that most times, at Christmas, he spends the morning period of Christmas Day in Trinidad and hops over to Tobago to spend the evening with family there. In 2021 however, the artist said he’ll be staying put in Trinidad.

Here are some other elements of a true Trini Christmas that Shurwayne Winchester told us he just couldn’t do with out! 

  • “My Family. There ain’t nothing more important than family. The largest table filled with a feast is empty if family is not there. The smallest meal with family is a feast for a king.
  • “Sweet Bread. The aroma and sight, laying whole or sliced just screams eat me up (lol).”
  • “Turkey. Don’t you dare leave that out! Home made bread that just came out of the oven with fried turkey slices… mmmmm.”
  • “A tall glass of sorrel. You know what I mean!?”
  • “And wine. Port wine, if available.”

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